“Just some quality time with the people I love and no drama. ….Probably won’t cost anything actually.”
“Just some quality time with the people I love and no drama. ….Probably won’t cost anything actually.”
If you’re a marathon bandit, Les Neidich is the one who will hunt you down right before the finish line. Meet the veteran, whose tour of duty spans nearly 20 years.
Les Neidich hunts bandits. He guards the New York City Marathon finish line like a hawk hunting prey among the 47,000 marathoners streaming by. Continue reading
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Unemployment over 9% is the stubborn bane of President Obama’s administration. We wouldn’t wait for his help as he pushes through the new $300 billion jobs plan.
Here’s some ways to take matters into your own online hands.
1. Degrees: Brand matters
“I’ve been researching employer acceptance of online degrees since 1989. In 1989, the first year surveyed corporations, less than 50% of managers rated a distance degree “as good as” a residential degree. Today (2009 survey) more than 90% of corporate managers rate an online degree “as good as” a residential degree….. but only if 3 crucial characteristics are met,” said Vicky Phillips, Founder of
The most important factor is whether your future employer recognizes the name of your schoool.
2. Who needs a degree, give me open source training.
This article originally appeared on
There are over 1,000 online degree programs, according to the Online Education Database (OEDb). If you’re jobless, or simply looking to expand your career horizon with online training, deciding to get started is the easiest decision. Choosing a program is where things get complicated.
Job seekers are not only lining up for interviews. U.S. News reports that jobless Americans are overwhelming retraining programs across the nation as well.
Just last week, we provided a quick list of online resources to looks at, but that’s only the beginning. U.S. News also covered the subject by focusing on career paths with promising growth prospects. Continue reading